Cardio Protection Model

Co-creating models that promote Cardio Protection awareness, education and action among citizens.

Cardio Protected Spaces

Co-creating models that promote Cardio Protection awareness, education and action among citizens.

Cardio Protection Model

Co-creating models that promote Cardio Protection awareness, education and action among citizens.





Business design & strategy

Business models

Co-creation workshops


Experience design






Business design & strategy

Business models

Co-creation workshops


Experience design


We cannot talk about fear when it comes to saving people’s life. Nevertheless, dealing with cardiac arrest and 2200 volts is not a walk in the park.

Our client Bexen Cardio has been extremely conscious about this issue for long time. Therefore, once the defibrillator R100, which was the result of a fruitful collaboration between us, was defined, they decided to get to grips with it.

In this path, we helped them designing a Cardio-Protection Model through an ad-hoc methodology for co-creation and other specific design tools. The model itself consisted in a coordinated ecosystem of products and services that divulged and promoted awareness, understanding, prevention and action among people to enable saving more lives.

In addition, our team meticulously crafted a coherent and clear brand image that added value and brought visibility to the model. This was gathered in a brand manual.

We cannot talk about fear when it comes to saving people’s life. Nevertheless, dealing with cardiac arrest and 2200 volts is not a walk in the park.

Our client Bexen Cardio has been extremely conscious about this issue for long time. Therefore, once the defibrillator R100, which was the result of a fruitful collaboration between us, was defined, they decided to get to grips with it.

In this path, we helped them designing a Cardio-Protection Model through an ad-hoc methodology for co-creation and other specific design tools. The model itself consisted in a coordinated ecosystem of products and services that divulged and promoted awareness, understanding, prevention and action among people to enable saving more lives.

In addition, our team meticulously crafted a coherent and clear brand image that added value and brought visibility to the model. This was gathered in a brand manual.

Quicky outline for Bexen Cardio

Co-creation Workshops

From designing defibrillators towards co-designing a Cardio Protection Ecosystem.

We facilitated various co-creative workshops for the Bexen Cardio team with the goal of designing a Cardio Protection Business Model and the whole ecosystem that surrounds it.

Our main task in this phase was to design sessions that would encourage participants’ to reflect and think out of the box while helping them materializing their ideas into a coherent Cardio Protection Model.

Co-creative workshop with Bexen Cardio
Co-creative workshop with Bexen Cardio

Co-creation Workshops

From designing defibrillators towards co-designing a Cardio Protection Ecosystem.

We facilitated various co-creative workshops for the Bexen Cardio team with the goal of designing a Cardio Protection Business Model and the whole ecosystem that surrounds it.

Our main task in this phase was to design sessions that would encourage participants’ to reflect and think out of the box while helping them materializing their ideas into a coherent Cardio Protection Model.

Cardio Protection Ecosystem by diaradesign

The Cardio Protection Model scheme

Cardio Protection value

Model recognition

Gaining visibility and value through design.

Our team designed a consistent and attractive image for the Cardio Protection Model. This added value to the Model itself bringing the Cardio Protection awareness to the forefront and closer to the citizen.

Nowadays, this Cardio Protected Models are spreading across the Basque Country and Cardio-Protected Towns and Businesses can also be found.